High Energy Focused Electromagnetic Wave technology (HI-EMT)

This treatment involves the strategic placement of treatment paddles over particular muscles, which are stimulated to expand and contract mimicking extreme training, which promotes the growth of muscle fibrils resulting in increased density and volume. During treatment, the HI-EMT can also trigger a large amount of fat decomposition, where triglycerides are broken down and excreted from the body. Creating a trim and taught figure.

Using patented technology, the paddles are uniformly cooled to create a pleasant treatment without damaging the skins superficial layers.

A 30 minute session of Body Sculpt is the equivalent of 5.5 hours of high intensity training, or 20,000 squats or crunches.

BENEFITS: Burn Fat, Build Muscle, Lift and Tone your buttocks, Improve your posture and strengthen your core muscles

SESSIONS: A starter treatment pack consists of 6 sessions, spaced 1-2 days apart. Depending on the results you’re wanting, you may choose to purchase further packages, or continue with maintenance treatments once every 1 to 6 months.

SIDE EFFECTS: Slight tenderness and delayed onset muscle soreness can occur after this treatment. There is no downtime associated with this treatment.

SAFETY: This is a non-invasive treatment and is very safe to perform. It is not suitable for anyone with metal implants, cancer, pregnant or breastfeeding, brain trauma, stroke or heart disease patients, and is recommended for people with a BMI under 24 and over 18 years of age.

RESULTS: You can visibly see results within the first 2-4 weeks after your initial package of treatments, with results continuing to improve. These treatments are best when paired with a healthy lifestyle of diet and exercise for best results.